Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 4, April 5, 2010

Ahhh Monday! They are so much better now that I'm a full time mommy and Monday doesn't mean "back to the grind". I suppose though that my life now means that weekends no longer exist and I'm "on the grind" 24-7. Lucky for me I do a job that I truly love so its pretty easy. Matty told me again today what a great mom I am and that he had been right in thinking I would be when he fell in love with me. It really makes me feel great to hear things like that. Most of the time I feel like a pretty good mom, but Harley is such a wonderful baby that I'm not sure if its me or her that make it go so smoothly. It feels good to be recognized and complimented though. I sure hope that I'm a good mom and that she feels like I am, especially later in life.
So this morning was pretty uneventful. The whole family is coming down with colds and I think that was what was making Harley a bit more fussy than usual. She was having what I like to call a "look at me" day. I couldn't break eye contact or she would scream. She has learned to fake cry and it gets pretty loud. I would break eye contact for a five seconds and she would let out this scream like she had just been stabbed. However, when I looked back at her a big smile would light up her face. It was so precious that I couldn't even be annoyed. I suppose facebook can always wait when you have a sweet little baby who is so deserving of your attention.
After Matty woke up we went over to my parents house to get his phone and wallet that he left there the night before. On the way over he told me that he thought that perhaps we had been fighting more because he had been prideful in thinking that he was beyond reproach. It was true that he had been acting like that somewhat, but I just respected him so much for saying that. I know that pride is one of my biggest weaknesses and often I don't take criticism well and feel "beyond reproach". One day I will get to that point and I'm excited that Matty will be my guide in that. At my parents house the landscapers finally started on the backyard project. I'm really excited to see how it turns out. From the plans it looks like it will be really neat. We played Wii with Sean for a few hours before heading home to make dinner for the missionaries and Travis and Leah who have been taking the lessons from the missionaries. It was a pretty good lesson, but it gets so frustrating when all we do is pick apart the differences in beliefs and interpretations of scripture. Today we talked about the idea of the Trinity and the idea that God wanted Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit. I just wanted to yell "it doesn't matter!! If you don't pray about the book of Mormon and learn that its true then we will go in these circles forever!" I think Travis wants to be a BoM scholar before he will chose to believe it. I don't know that he is ready to humble himself enough to pray to God to know of its truth. Well now I'm tired. Harley is asleep, I got my Spanish homework done before midnight and I'm ready for bed. If only my sore throat would go away and the apartment would cool down below 80 degrees. I forgot to take a picture of Harley all day so I snuck into her room and snapped one while she was sleeping. It will have to do for today.

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