Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 3, April 4, 2010

HAPPY EASTER!!! Sunday was Easter Sunday and it was also the second day of General Conference. I suppose its my Methodist roots, but I was a little disappointed to not have an "Easter service" to attend today. Nonetheless we did dress Harley in her Easter dress complete with oversized flower. Unfortunately she had an accident all over the back of it during our stroll around Creekside before I could get any pictures. I will stage some later though. My mom made some nice Easter baskets for us and we had the traditional "hunt". It was much milder than most years, meaning that no one bled or cried. Sean and I tied with 10 eggs each, Matty had 9, and Jenny was pretty overwhelmed by the violence and only managed to find 6 or so. Next year Harley gets to hunt eggs all by herself and the era of Sean and I as the children will officially end. It's pretty exciting! So that was our Easter Sunday. Very relaxed and happy. I'm excited for Conference to come out on MP3 so we can listen to each talk at a time and have time to ponder it before the next one.

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