Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 1 April 2, 2010

Oops almost typed 2009 there! It always takes me until about October to figure out that the year switched! So today was awesome! Unseasonably warm weather (about 75) and not a cloud in the sky. Harley and I spent the morning hanging out (well mostly she slept in the jumper, the crib, and the swing) and doing spanish homework. It's so great to be back in school but I'm finding focusing after being out of the game so long a bit of a challenge. The quarter didnt start off very well either. On Thursday night I rushed to drop Harley off at grandma's, fought rush hour back, fought for a parking place, power-walked to class in flip flops, and finally sat down in class 5mins late. Unfortunately right after I sat down I looked at the syllabus the professor gave me and the top said Creative Writing 210. Sounds like a fun class, but I was signed up for Comparative Religion 270!! I thought I just wrote the classroom down wrong so I stepped outside to call Matty. He confirmed that I had been in the wrong room but informed me that my class was actually on TUESDAY not Thursday. Both start with a T and it was an honest mistake in scheduling. I was really really bummed because I had been looking forward to that class and its only one day a week so I missed a good portion of the lectures already. Oh well though. I'm back on track now I suppose.

We spent the evening at my parents house decorating easter eggs with Sean and Jenny. It was a great time! Sean also made an amazing pizza that we all shared. Who knows what we will do tomorrow, but it's Saturday and we have all day off!!! Now I am very tired and I want to go read my book The Shack. I'm only about 10 pages in so I have nothing interesting to say about it just yet. I should also probably wake Harley up from sleeping in the carseat (where she has been since we got home) and nurse her so she can go to bed. Goodnight until tomorrow!

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