Friday, October 1, 2010


Yep! That means contingent on financing and insurance and it's the new status of the house we just put an offer on! And they accepted! FINALLY! We are having our inspection done Sunday and the loan paperwork is being drawn up as we speak. We are trying not to get overly excited after losing 4 straight houses (was it 4? I'm losing count now. Harley, Dodridge, Arlington... ok only 3, this is #4) Well anyway we saw it once and the tenant was in there and all of his dirty stuff and he looked really sad so it was hard to take too good of a peak at it. We actually put an offer in as a curb offer meaning we never even saw the inside before we put in our offer, but it turned out well! Its 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths, needs some love but we are ready for that. Hopefully I can take some pictures during the inspection (barring no termite damage or a rotting roof or something, that would be our luck!) And hopefully we will be first time home owners next month!!!! Only problem, the tenant has 60 days to vacate. So its possible that we could own the house and still have a tenant for another month.... LAME!
Here it is! Wish us luck!

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