Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Quarter

So I've officially been to TWO whole days of class since school started a week ago. Lucky me, I only go Tues/Thurs. So far, so good! It will be a bit of a challenge getting back in the swing of things and there is a crap ton of reading, but I'm so freaking excited!! So here is a synopsis of my teachers:

Intro to Sociological Theory with Donna Crossman. This lady is like 80 years old and a total firecracker. She has made several hilarious comments about shooting people. She is a self described radical and Marxist. She thinks that Marx is just misunderstood and that we should all read him in order to be "enlightened". Let me just say that after reading "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" I have to disagree with her.

Social Stratification with Jonathan Vaughn. MOST HILARIOUS TEACHER EVER... the beginning of class is like a stand up comedy act. Which really gets me in the mood for learning. Then he moves on the meat and potatoes. He explains things so well and uses the most hilarious examples with the funniest narrations ever. I really hope that he never reads my blog because this review could totally go to his head. Only problem is he describes himself as "no worse than an R rated movie", meaning he curses A LOT. usually more in the beginning of class and then in seemingly relevant places throughout the lecture. I could do without it, but hey its a trade off I guess.

So funniest thing he said in class today was the way he described the difference between Functionalist Theorists and Conflict Theorists. This wont be funny to any non Soc majors but

This is the way Conflict theorists see the world:

And this is the way Functionalist Theorists see the world:

BAHAHAHHAHA he said he just googled "rainbow sparkle kitty" and it was the first image to pop up. I was skeptical, so I did it and the man is not a liar!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

third time's the charm..... or not

So we have been house hunting for the past few months and today, we lost our third house in a row.... It has been such a disappointed roller coaster. Just when we get excited about a house and start making plans it gets snatched away. Three times loosing on the bid? Who even knew that was possible!! I am seriously getting so discouraged! So RIP Dodridge house, you will be missed

and Harley Dr. house...

and Scioto View Ln. house...

Perhaps the 4th time is the charm...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Harley's Stats

Quick post on Harleys stats:
21lbs (85%tile)
27.75 inches (58%tile)

120th % for cuteness!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

SCHOOL IS DONE.... for a couple of weeks

YAYY!! Last night I finished my final paper for Spanish 104, so the quarter is over!!! Starting in a couple of weeks I will be at OSU on the final leg of my way too long journey towards becoming an OSU alumnus. Im pretty excited!!

In other news, the house hunt is going HORRIBLY! Every time we find something that we like, it sells right before we put our bid in, or the other realtor wont show it to us. Don't people WANT to sell their houses?! I guess this is just the Lord's way of teaching me patience. It will happen when it happens and if it doesn't happen, at least I have a great apartment!!

Finally, today is Harley's 9 month check up. Wish her luck! I will post stats when we get home!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Harley is 9 months!!

Oh how things have changed! She is so big now! The girl is crawling all over and pulling up on everything! She is just so much fun now!

We just went on vacation to Maine last week, which was basically AMAZING! So gorgeous and relaxing, even if it was 90 degrees the entire time. Matt and I decided that we may want to live there one day, and I can't wait to go back. The house we stayed at was an huge New England style home right on the water that was very historic. I really doesnt get much better.

Sunrise from the porch :):)

I finally got my classes scheduled for next quarter. I couldnt fit them around Matts schedule so it looks like we will need a babysitter for my class times on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but oh well, I'm SO EXCITED to be a Buckeye again!