Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Pregnant!!!!!

So I haven't posted in sooooo long! Basically I had nothing to say except that IM PREGNANT, and I wasn't ready to spill the beans, so I took a hiatus. I did spill a couple of weeks ago, but hadnt gotten around to posting here yet! We are very excited (now), but we weren't at first,

So this wasn't a "planned" baby at all, but I have no problem admitting that. To me, that just means this baby is even more special because even though we thought we were way too busy and too poor to add another to our family Heavenly Father made us do it! I was on the pill and still nursing Harley, so obviously we had to have had some divine intervention! So I was several weeks "late" and had taken a test the week before and it was negative. I actually wasn't really worried at all that I was pregnant. Nursing has been messing with my system so I hadn't been "regular". Well on the night of September 12th I was thinking to myself, man I really wish I could just get my period so I can stop having the "could I be pregnant?" thought in the back of my mind! So Matty and I were watching Bones and I quietly got up and decided to go pee on a stick for my own peace of mind, fully intending it to be negative. Well I peed, set the stick down, went to wash my hands, picked it back up and watched the dreaded 2 lines appear. No way! I was in shock. It only took me 30 seconds to come to the realization of what this meant. So I open the bathroom door, told Matt to come here, and when he did I showed him the stick. His eyes got all wide and I believe he said, "No. Is it positive!?" I shook my head yes and fell into his chest crying. I cried for about 2 hrs. I moved from the doorway of the bathroom into the bedroom and laid on the bed bawling. The words "why me" and "this isn't fair" came out of my mouth more times than I could count. To me this was the worst timing ever. I had just mapped out my schooling until graduation (4 quarters!) and we had just written up an offer on a house, a 2 bedroom house. How could this happen to me? What would people think? what would my parents say? It was all so overwhelming. Finally after about 2 hrs I calmed down. I made Matt promise he would tell my parents (because Im chicken!) and that seemed to help ease my panic slightly. We finally fell asleep and by morning I was at peace. By afternoon I was excited! I was ready to be a mom of 2. Yeah I still have freak out moments at times (what happens if this baby doesn't sleep! how am I going to handle school? OMG Im going to deliver mid quarter!) but all in all Im happy! Im going to have a baby!

So we are due May 23rd 2011
Today we are 11w5d along
We will find out the gender on December 13th, 2010
Harley will be 17.5 months old when the new baby arrives!
I will be 2 weeks away from the end of the quarter if he/she arrives on his/her due date.
11 weeks pregnant
here is an estimation of our baby right now :):) this baby is 11weeks

Monday, October 4, 2010


Ugh I just need to vent! Harley will be 10months later this week and the tantrums are becoming RIDICULOUS! I'm talking tantrum about everything! Heaven forbid you take something away from her, or move her, or put her in the car, or don't feed her fast enough..... the world may come to an end.
The worst culprits for inducing an all out scream, yell, make mean faces tantrum are:::
1. Riding in the car. Of course the girl gets the most padded and most comfortable seat in the car. It has a built in head rest and a gentle recline to lull her to sleep. Does that work? No. From the second we get in the car to the second we get out she turns the ride into a living HELL. Scream, yell, gurgle... you would think someone was killing her. The worst part? The giant smile she gets when she sees you open her door to get her out. It just reinforces the fact that she was FAKING IT!

2. Mom eating. O-M-G. You would think the world is coming to an end. If I EVER eat anything without her, no matter how full she is, she has a cow. She will stand there and look devestated. When that doesnt work she will cry, when that doesnt work she will look at me, get angry, and yell at the top of her lungs. Its becoming a problem for us.

HOWEVER. Even with our tantrum problem I still am the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing little girl. She is pretty much the best ever and I just need to keep it in perspective. One thing that helps is reading this blog

They are an amazing and inspiring family who lost their daughter (who was a year older than Harley) earlier this year. Their faith makes me want to be a better person and every time I read her posts I bawl like a baby and want to go hug my little girl. I totally recommend reading it, but I would do it in private, because all the tears could make people uncomfortable :):)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Yep! That means contingent on financing and insurance and it's the new status of the house we just put an offer on! And they accepted! FINALLY! We are having our inspection done Sunday and the loan paperwork is being drawn up as we speak. We are trying not to get overly excited after losing 4 straight houses (was it 4? I'm losing count now. Harley, Dodridge, Arlington... ok only 3, this is #4) Well anyway we saw it once and the tenant was in there and all of his dirty stuff and he looked really sad so it was hard to take too good of a peak at it. We actually put an offer in as a curb offer meaning we never even saw the inside before we put in our offer, but it turned out well! Its 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths, needs some love but we are ready for that. Hopefully I can take some pictures during the inspection (barring no termite damage or a rotting roof or something, that would be our luck!) And hopefully we will be first time home owners next month!!!! Only problem, the tenant has 60 days to vacate. So its possible that we could own the house and still have a tenant for another month.... LAME!
Here it is! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Quarter

So I've officially been to TWO whole days of class since school started a week ago. Lucky me, I only go Tues/Thurs. So far, so good! It will be a bit of a challenge getting back in the swing of things and there is a crap ton of reading, but I'm so freaking excited!! So here is a synopsis of my teachers:

Intro to Sociological Theory with Donna Crossman. This lady is like 80 years old and a total firecracker. She has made several hilarious comments about shooting people. She is a self described radical and Marxist. She thinks that Marx is just misunderstood and that we should all read him in order to be "enlightened". Let me just say that after reading "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" I have to disagree with her.

Social Stratification with Jonathan Vaughn. MOST HILARIOUS TEACHER EVER... the beginning of class is like a stand up comedy act. Which really gets me in the mood for learning. Then he moves on the meat and potatoes. He explains things so well and uses the most hilarious examples with the funniest narrations ever. I really hope that he never reads my blog because this review could totally go to his head. Only problem is he describes himself as "no worse than an R rated movie", meaning he curses A LOT. usually more in the beginning of class and then in seemingly relevant places throughout the lecture. I could do without it, but hey its a trade off I guess.

So funniest thing he said in class today was the way he described the difference between Functionalist Theorists and Conflict Theorists. This wont be funny to any non Soc majors but

This is the way Conflict theorists see the world:

And this is the way Functionalist Theorists see the world:

BAHAHAHHAHA he said he just googled "rainbow sparkle kitty" and it was the first image to pop up. I was skeptical, so I did it and the man is not a liar!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

third time's the charm..... or not

So we have been house hunting for the past few months and today, we lost our third house in a row.... It has been such a disappointed roller coaster. Just when we get excited about a house and start making plans it gets snatched away. Three times loosing on the bid? Who even knew that was possible!! I am seriously getting so discouraged! So RIP Dodridge house, you will be missed

and Harley Dr. house...

and Scioto View Ln. house...

Perhaps the 4th time is the charm...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Harley's Stats

Quick post on Harleys stats:
21lbs (85%tile)
27.75 inches (58%tile)

120th % for cuteness!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

SCHOOL IS DONE.... for a couple of weeks

YAYY!! Last night I finished my final paper for Spanish 104, so the quarter is over!!! Starting in a couple of weeks I will be at OSU on the final leg of my way too long journey towards becoming an OSU alumnus. Im pretty excited!!

In other news, the house hunt is going HORRIBLY! Every time we find something that we like, it sells right before we put our bid in, or the other realtor wont show it to us. Don't people WANT to sell their houses?! I guess this is just the Lord's way of teaching me patience. It will happen when it happens and if it doesn't happen, at least I have a great apartment!!

Finally, today is Harley's 9 month check up. Wish her luck! I will post stats when we get home!