Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well obviously writing in my blog everyday didn't work out so well! Let's reevaluate this. I will write in my blog whenever I feel like it from now on!!
So since last time I wrote a few things have happened. Harley is over 5 months old now! She is rolling over like a champ and she has such a personality!! She hasnt been sleeping very well for the last month or so, but last night she slept for a full 12 hrs!!!! I'm a lucky mama! She started solids about a week ago and she sure does enjoy her cereal. I'm very blessed to have such a happy baby on my hands. Sunday was my first Mother's Day ever and Matty didn't disappoint. He spent hours working on a secret project and when I finally received it I was so surprised. He took an issue of People magazine and for the article, World's Most Beautiful he replaced the article with an article about me. and the pictures with pictures of me. It was very adorable!